Sun, Apr 28, 2024

10 AM – 1 PM PDT (GMT-7)

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Have you ever wondered what goes behind maintaining a hiking trail? Join the Net Impact and Redwoods club in a trail restoration workday in honor of Earth Month. We’ll be helping clear trails, cutting back vegetation, and preserve the natural beauty in Oakland’s Dimond Canyon and/or Joaquin Miller Park.

- 10am to 1pm: Trail work
- 1pm to ~2:30pm: Drive back and head to a restaurant in Berkeley for an optional free lunch where you can wind down with your fellow volunteers

Transportation to/from the park (~30 mins away from Berkeley) will be provided. Dress in long sleeves and long pants that you don’t mind getting dirty. Bring hiking shoes, water, a hat, and sunscreen. Partners, friends, family members are welcome!

The workday is hosted by Oakland nonprofit, Friends of Sausal Creek. Their mission is to conserve, restore, and enhance the Sausal Creek Watershed and support Oakland’s biodiversity and transformation into a climate-resilient future.

Check out their work and regular volunteer opportunities here:
Food Provided (Optional lunch sponsored by club, following volunteer event.)

Hosted By

Net Impact | Website | View More Events
Co-hosted with: Redwoods at Haas

Contact the organizers