Short overview of clubs & Berkeley-affiliated organizations (last update: 8/31)
C3 Funding Application
This is a fund intended to sponsor events that help to develop the Haas brand in outside events as well as further students' career prospects. As the name suggests, this fund can help cover student's expenses when participating of career treks, conferences and case competitions, up to a maximum of $150 per student per academic year.
To request funding, submit one application per event (i.e., one for all the attendees), including all costs and attendees through this link:
Funding applications will be reviewed by MBAA officers and results will be released at the end of each semester.
Haas Club Guidelines
Clubs should have a minimum of 24 members (~5% of student body)
Affinity clubs are excluded from membership requirement as long as they demonstrate that their activities and events contribute to at least 5% of the student body
Clubs should hold a minimum of 2 events per semester
Events include speaker series, networking sessions, cultural activities, organized company treks, or any event that provides relevant value to club members or the Haas community
Events do not include leadership transition outings, events that are not relevant to the club’s mission, or any other activities that provide limited value to club members or the Haas community
Clubs can collect funds through club membership dues, event fees, or other transparent fundraising mechanisms
Clubs should regularly track funds collected (including funds from previous semesters) and expenses used during the semester
Clubs must submit a Club Financials form to MBAA (VP Clubs, VP Finance) at the end of each semester
Maintaining "Active Club" Status
Inactive Clubs
A club is considered ‘inactive’ if it fails to satisfy each of the three guidelines above for 2 consecutive semesters
Inactive clubs will no longer have the ability to collect dues from potential members, although they can still accept new members and raise funds through other means such as charging for specific events.
Inactive clubs can regain ‘active status’ by satisfying the criteria used for New Clubs (see below)
New Club Formation
Potential clubs seeking official status under the MBAA must satisfy the following criteria within one full semester
Membership: Recruit at least 10% of student body (~48 members)
Events: Organize and hold at least 4 events
- Potential clubs must submit their proof of satisfying the criteria at the end of the semester to the VP of Clubs. The MBAA, Program Office and CMG (for industry clubs) will review applications and make a decision on the status of the new club.